Ministry Philosophy, Vision, and Values

Over the past 15 plus years of ministry experience, I have been able to focus in on what I believe the role of the church should be (Philosophy), what I would love to see in the church (Vision), and some core issues that serve as a framework for how I function in ministry (Values). Here they are:


Disciple-making is the primary role of the church. Disciples are individuals who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are being transformed from the inside out to become more like Him. Disciples are called to make disciples!

Disciple-making is most effective in the context of community. God designed the church, a local group of Christ followers, to help each other move toward Christ-likeness.

Disciple-making starts with the transforming truth of the Scriptures. God's Word transforms minds and conforms hearts to that of Jesus.

Disciple-making is not just the responsibility of the "professionals", it's the goal of every disciple. Healthy, lasting growth comes through a multiplication process where disciples produce disciples who in turn produce other disciples, and so on.
  • Older Men have a responsibility to help mature younger men
  • Older ladies responsible for younger ladies
  • Parents are called to be the primary faith influencers of their children

Disciple-making's primary goal is to reach lost people for Jesus and bring them to maturity in Christ. New believers are to be nurtured toward maturity in Christ, then equipped, empowered, and released to make other disciples using their God given gift mix.

My vision is to see a body of believers who sell out to the commission of Jesus Christ to "go and make disciples" in the home, in the school, in the work place, and moving out into the world.

  1. People are more important than programs!
  2. Discipleship is caught and taught!
  3. Discipleship is most effective in the context of community!
  4. Healthy discipleship leads to effective evangelism!
  5. God calls people to be human beings not human doings!
  6. Apart from Christ, ministry has no effectiveness!
  7. The home is the primary place where faith should be nurtured!
  8. God transforms us through His Word by the power of the Holy Spirit changing us from the inside out!


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