Philippines Trip 2010 (Final Days)

Well, I am in the airport in Seoul, South Korea thankful that they have free Wi-Fi! It is the first opportunity that I have had to blog in a couple of days. It is Monday morning here, although most of you who read this will think it is Sunday evening. Saturday and Sunday were busy days with a tad bit of drama to them as well.

Saturday was our R&R day. We went to a beach on Mactan Island, rented some jet skis and a banana boat for our Filipino friends to enjoy, and ate a wonderful catered meal. Every thing was great until an incident throw a monkey wrench into the plan. While we were jet skiing, two of the boys were out while I was out, and their jet ski stalled. Normally, not a big issue except that there was a boat coming (about a 30 foot boat). It did not attempt to get out of the way despite one of the boys waving in desperation. The boat hit the jet ski and tore it into two pieces. You can imagine that the owner of the jet ski wanted us to pay for the jet ski (about $1,600), but we refused based on the fact that it was not our fault. Oh and get this... the boat didn't even stop after it hit the jet ski knocking the boys into the ocean. The boys are fine by the way... just a few bumps and bruises. They found a piece of bamboo in the jet ski and the boys remembered some of the words on the boat. They were able to track down the boat and the conversation moved to the police station. Our friends handled the whole thing since they were the ones who made the arrangements and to avoid us being taking advantage of because we are perceived as rich. Bing, Aljon, and Jimboy went to the station and the jet ski owner and the boat owner were there as well. The police affirmed that we should not pay, but the other two demanded that Bing and the boys be detained until it was paid for. That didn't happen. They knew that they need to leave the police station, and they did, but not without the owner of the boat really intimidating them. Crazy stuff.

That evening I helped the worship band out with the sound, ate at a barbque place and then went home.

Went to church, said good byes, and then it was out to lunch with some of the people. We had a meeting after at the guest house to hear their vision and plans, and then I went back to church to lead YJam worship. I would write more about this except I am almost out of battery.

By the way, Rita didn't go to church this morning because she was not felling well. She is doing better. See you all soon... or next year if your one of my Filipino friends!


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