Where Does Your Competence Come From?

"Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant - not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."
2 Cor. 3:4-6

Confidence which leads to competence is important in almost everything you do. I remember playing basketball in high school on varsity as a sophomore, and the coach thought it was safe to put me in the game. I was the only white boy on the team and the only one in the gym for this game. At the time I played the number 2 guard (shooting guard) and 20 seconds into my entry into the game, I was given an opportunity to shoot a three ball. There was no one near me (or so I thought) so I pulled the trigger only to find my ball landing in the bleachers about six rows up. Out of no where, an opposing player featuring his 6'6" frame blocked my shot! That will do something to your confidence and effect your competence. I played scared the rest of the season and it affected my play big time. You can't play competitive basketball without confidence. Paul was addressing the issue of his confidence in selling out his life for the sake of others. Where did his confidence and competence come from that enabled him to be so direct with people and lead them toward Christ. He explains that it comes from the Spirit of God! The Spirit enables him to lead folks with a high measure of competence. Competence that is born of God brings life to the person, because they realize that the task is much bigger than themselves, so they surrender to the power of God! That is where God wants us anyway! To recognize that His calling requires us to get on our knees and draw from the wisdom and strength that He gives the humble follower of Christ. God gives grace to the humble, and opposes the proud. Is there anything more prideful than saying, "God, I can do this on my own... I don't need you right now!" Of course we would never say that, but often times we function that way... and end up frustrated! Listen, we don't need the approval of men, which feeds our own competence, but only that of the Spirit of God as He takes what is impossible for us to do and turns it into life change for others. You think what God has called you to is tough? Well it is... on purpose I might add, so that you would look only to him and He would be the source of your competence! Go fulfill your calling in the strength and wisdom of Christ!


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