2 Cor. 1:21-22

"Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come."
2 Cor. 1:21-22

Have you ever walked across or along a creek bed? Its an interesting experience because you never know if your next step will provide you with a safe place for your foot or not. The rocks sometimes move or are slippery and if your not careful you could step in a hole, finding yourself a little more wet than you expected. Its always more secure when we step onto something that is firm. Paul uses the security we find in our footing to make the point that, in Christ, God has made us stand firm! Our security in this life is in the promises of Christ. He has anointed us! He has set us apart and called us His own! I don't know what you think about being owned by other, but it is perfectly ok with me that the Almighty God, who is maker of all... knows all... and holds all things together, has set His seal of ownership on me. I am His! I kinda like that! What is more is that He has given to us His Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing our future accommodations in His presence. I kinda like that too! Bottom line is this... God keeps His promises and that means that in Christ we have nothing to fear and nothing can shake us from the foundation we have. All the promises God has made through Jesus Christ will come to pass, therefore I stand firm! This is a truth that we need to be reminded of as we face the difficulties of this life. Whether you are struggling spiritually, emotionally, or physically... if you are in Christ, GOD MAKES YOU STAND FIRM! This is our hope... This is our victory!


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