Scioto Hills Day 5

Yes, I know I have not updated very much, but it has been busier than expected. We only get internet in certain places so I can only update in the afternoon, but haven't had time. OK, just to end the suspense of the blue food coloring... someone's mom told Josiah that he could use blue food coloring to dye his hair. So I am out in the lobby of our lodge and I see Josiah coming out of the bathroom with blue hands and a blue face. He tells me that he tried to dye his hair... I was laughing! He pretty much was a smurf all day until the color wore off.

The students have been amazing! Chapels have been a highlight of the camper's day! You would not believe how much they love the puppets. David, Kelsey, Michael, and Josiah have all taught their lessons and they did a wonderful job! I will have to hold off on the pictures until I get home because I forgot my cable!!! sorry! The students have experienced the blob (a 40 ft balloon in the water that launches a person pretty high) and the Zip Line! We had a pool party after chapel and that was a ton of fun! I have to say that the unity of this particular team is unbelievable! I would ask you to pray for me tonight. I am opening up the chapel time for questions instead of my message. The questions that these youngsters have is amazing, so I am setting out time to answer questions. I will really need to think on my feet this evening. OK parents... I must say that I feel your pain when it comes to your teen keeping their room clean. The girls rooms look like someone set off a bomb in the room! Crazy!

Anyway, We will be home tomorrow around 2 or so... depending on when we get out of Scioto. Thanks for your prayers!


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