Scioto Hills Day 1

Well, it was quite a day yesterday after we finally got to Scioto. Actually, we had fairly good time, but we stopped way too many times. We had to stop twice before we even hit Columbus! We got to camp about 1:30 after grabbing a bite to eat at McDonalds and settled in. He had an orientation meeting and I took them on a tour of the camp. They quickly realized that Scioto Hills was named after its lovely terraine. I keep telling them that we are burning calories! We then set up for chapel and practiced for Monday evening chapel. Chapel went very well! I was so proud of our students. There hard work and faithfulness is proving itself to be worth it! There are 90 campers here this week for New Frontier Camp. After chapel we went to a bonfire, had a team meeting, and went to bed... or at least some of us did. Many of the girls stayed up and talked till 2AM or so... I am showing no compassion to there complaints today about being tired! hahaha!

The food here at camp is very good. We had chicken and mashed potatoes last night and it was delicious... not your typical camp food. Well, I need to sign off here, but I will try to update this blog every day. Until then I want to leave you with a bit of wisdom:

Don't try to color your hair blue with food coloring!!! I'll explain tomorrow!


Anonymous said…
oh hey this is a good idea :) i wish i could be there but you bet ill read these. i miss everyone! ill be praying for you all! have a good time.. ps. blue food coloring?
Anna Kerr said…
oops didnt mean to be anonymous.. its anna :)
Jody said…
I can only guess who wanted to try coloring their hair blue. I know Josiah was involved in some capacity.

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