The Essence of Discipleship

I challenged our adult youth leaders to think about what they would want a student to look like after they graduate from our ministry... what kind of person would they like to see our teenagers become! Then I shared my heart based on the idea that we have been called to love God and to love people. I would like to see students passionate about three things:

1. Obedience - because this is the way the you show your love for God. Jesus said it and John reiterates it.

2. The Truth - The truth is what sanctifies and transform us into the image of Christ. It reveals to us the heart and will of God!

3. Serving Others - The redeemed have been called to serve! This is part of our DNA as believers... we are servants! Jesus humbled Himself and became a servant. After washing the disciples feet, He told His disciples to go and serve one another.

Here is the real question... How do we get there? God has been impressing on my heart that most of discipleship is caught not taught. Teaching is imperative but it comes alive when it is lived out before others. I can teach a student what to obey, how to obey, and why to obey... but the lesson becomes alive when they see my passion for obedience. If I am living a life where my commitment to obedience is not transparent, then I am fighting an uphill battle. People respond to what they see! I can't teach a passion for the truth, but if they can see my passion for truth, it speaks volumes! I can teach a teenager that serving others is right and good, but unless they see me serving others... it becomes a hard sale. Caught not Taught!

This means that our adult leaders need to have these three passions and that ultimately, they need to see those passions in me! This effects my youth staff training, recruitment, as well as the calendar process! We need to plan for events, activities, and projects that puts our students in with adults who have these passions. I would love to hear from any of you about some ideas to do this! This could be an activity, an event, retreat, or service project. God Bless!


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