How Should We View COVID-19 through the Lens of Scripture

How Should We View COVID-19 through the Lens of Scripture?

The whole world has felt the impact that a tiny microscopic virus can have on people’s health and wealth.  No doubt it is leaving a path of destruction both in the lives it is taking and the economic impact it is having.  Over the past few weeks as all of this has settled in, I have read many articles and social media posts about what to make of what is going on from the spiritual side of things.  Perhaps the one that is most concerning to me is a jump to the conclusion that God is punishing people because of the immorality of our time.  Is this true?  I want to answer this by stating what I know to be true and offer a word of caution from presuming too much. 

Is this virus judgment from God?  In a general sense, I can say with confidence, YES.  I come to this conclusion based on my understanding of sin and putting COVID-19, like any disease, into the context of the Fall.  In Genesis 3, God curses the earth because of the sin of Adam (Gen. 3:17).  The consequences of this curse have been felt a million times over by those who have walked this earth.  From this time, death has reigned (Rom. 5:17).  Not only is death a reality, but we also experience destruction, dysfunction, depression, disasters, and disease.  All of this puts a heavy weight on creation, which is why the Apostle Paul says:

“20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. 22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.”
-Romans 8:20-22

All of these are consequences of living in a fallen world that was brought about by sin… specifically, Adam’s sin in the garden.  So this earth that God created and made for mankind to enjoy while dwelling with God did not include such things as death and disease.  This earth is under a curse that will be broken when God chooses to step in to redeem it and restore it.  This is what Revelation refers to the New Heavens and New Earth.  This is how the Bible is framed…
·      Creation: God created the earth to be enjoyed by His image bearers (people) and to dwell with them.
·      Fall:  However, man rebelled against God necessitating separation from God and  introducing death, disease, dysfunction, disaster, and so much more as a consequence of his rebellion.
·      Redemption:  God immediately made a promise of a seed to come who would redeem mankind from the penalty of their sin and destroy the spiritual separation that fall caused.
·      Restoration:  This redeemer, Jesus Christ, would eventually bring about a totally restored or new creation… New Heavens and New Earth, and once again God would dwell with mankind in peace and perfection.

So COVID-19 is a consequence of living in a fallen world, and yes, it is a reminder that we are sinners living in a broken world.  That reality alone should at the very least cause us to fall on our knees thanking God for the mercy and kindness He has demonstrated in Christ.  But is COVID-19 a specific judgment of God that He has poured out to punish this world for its wickedness and immorality as some kind of end times sign?  Here is where I believe caution is in order.  The simple fact is that we do not know.  This world is riddled with deadly diseases and economic uncertainties.  History has proved that these come and go all the time.  I would imagine people thought of the Spanish Flu in a similar way or going back further, the black plague.  Now, that being said, the Scriptures are clear that one day, God will say, enough is enough, and His wrath will be poured out in an obvious and cataclysmic manner.  However, my study of Revelation has led me to see God’s long-suffering and mercy at work, giving people every opportunity to repent before His wrath is poured out.  I don’t read Revelation as if God is just waiting for the opportunity to pour out His wrath, but rather a plead for people to repent before He pours out His wrath.  Going back to COVID-19, my plea is to caution others who presume this horrible disease to be a specific judgment of God because of the wickedness and immorality of modern people.  The reality is that we are all wicked compared to a Holy God and all of us are in need of mercy.  Please exercise caution and humility when making such bold presumptions. 

That being said, I do believe there are some other Gospel reminders that COVID-19 should lead us toward as followers of Christ.

·      God did not promise us comfort!  God promises to guard our hearts and to keep us.  He promises to be with us as we go through life and all its hardships, but He does not promise us an exemption card (Ps. 23; Rom. 8:38-39). 

·      Economic stability is a false savior!  If anything, this crisis should remind us of how quickly financial stability can be taken away.  When we give money/possessions saving power in our lives, we are ultimately setting ourselves up for deep disappointment, not to mention the whole idolatry thing.  Only Christ can rescue us from the pit and bring us real satisfaction and joy (Psalm 62:1-5; Heb. 7:25). 

·      Our real hope does not rest in what this world has to offer us!  This should ignite a longing within us that yearns for a world that is free from disease, destruction, disaster, and yes even death.  The believer has been called to a living hope, which includes an inheritance from the Lord that does not perish spoil or fade (1 Peter 1:3-4).

3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” 5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
-Rev. 21:3-5

Being convinced of these truths, let them shape how we view COVID-19 and all the chaos it has brought about. 


Jayne Mathews said…
This is really good, and thank you for writing this. I heard the same thing and wondered, so your words and God's Word puts things in perspective. Thanks Pastor Jon!!
Jon Pickens said…
Thanks Jayne. Hope you and Al are doing well!
Willow said…
Love this! Thanks for some clarification! This is kinda where my heart has been but your words help clarify and bring it all together! Thanks for sharing!

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