
Showing posts from December, 2014

Is Our Biggest Issue Distrust?

Wow!  There is so much happening in this country sparked by the grand jury deciding not to take action on officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson a few weeks ago.  There has been rioting, looting, people blocking major highways in protest, and many other actions.  The media has covered this, distorted aspects of this story, and have kept it at the forefront of America's attention.  There has been outrage on both sides of this event.  There has been responses from church leaders, media members, talk show hosts, and many more.  Perhaps the most revealing narrative has been that which has taken place in the comment sections of news articles and social media sites.  Injustice based on race has been the idea that all of this seems to circle around...  Can I share with you what I think is at the heart of most of this?  I cannot speak to all of it because there are ALWAYS exceptions.  There will always be ignorant people who say and do hurtful things...