
Showing posts from 2014

Is Our Biggest Issue Distrust?

Wow!  There is so much happening in this country sparked by the grand jury deciding not to take action on officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson a few weeks ago.  There has been rioting, looting, people blocking major highways in protest, and many other actions.  The media has covered this, distorted aspects of this story, and have kept it at the forefront of America's attention.  There has been outrage on both sides of this event.  There has been responses from church leaders, media members, talk show hosts, and many more.  Perhaps the most revealing narrative has been that which has taken place in the comment sections of news articles and social media sites.  Injustice based on race has been the idea that all of this seems to circle around...  Can I share with you what I think is at the heart of most of this?  I cannot speak to all of it because there are ALWAYS exceptions.  There will always be ignorant people who say and do hurtful things...

Humanity's Biggest Problem!

Pride... it shows its face in a plethora of ways that can be seen in daily life.  I see it in my life and I see it in many, many other situations.  From stubbornness to out right defiance, pride can creep into our lives and destroys how we were designed to thrive.  We were designed to thrive in a relationship with God!  It is true that we live in a fallen world, and the moment Adam sinned against God, was the moment the relationship was radically affected.  Death, or shall I say separation, became humanity's new reality.  God, in His grace, promised a redeemer in Gen. 3, which was fulfilled in Christ, crucified and risen.  Humanity has a redeemer, if they would humble themselves, let go of self, and turn the deed of their heart over to Christ.  To redeem means to "buy back".  Christ, through His death paid a redeemers price to buy humanity back... but from what?  From death!  Yes, His death can bring you and I life... or rather a re...

Does Faith Have a Role in the Battle of Depression?

Certainly I have seen multiple posts about depression because of the suicidal death of Robin Williams.  I have seen some that paint it as purely a spiritual issue and some who say faith plays no role in overcoming depression.  This is a difficult issue for me to write about because I do not think I can fully understand the effects of depression.  Sure there have been times that I shut down mentally and emotionally from life and feel alone, but I have always been able to embrace truth about my identity, purpose, and value to sort of re-center myself.  It is entirely possible that I have no idea what I am talking about, but there is just something in me that struggles with the idea that faith plays no role in overcoming depression as a believer. Now before I go further, I want to say that I think medication plays a role in helping an individual to think better.  I do believe there are such things as chemical imbalances.  I also believe that medication does n...

How Shall We Respond?

Over the past week, John Balyo, a morning host for wcsg out of Grand Rapids, was arrested for alleged criminal sexual conduct involving a minor.  After he was arrested there was a buzz in the local news and many began talking about it in their homes.  Last night I saw on the news that Baylo had allegedly admitted guilt to having sex with a 12 year-old boy.  There is a huge pit in my stomach as I think about how anyone could do this, much less a man that would speak against such things as rape, adultery, sexual fornication, homosexuality, and sex trafficking.  I have a son who is now 15 years old, and I can't imagine what it would have done to him to have something like that happen.  I don't understand this.  Another angst I have right now is how the Name of Christ is being trampled upon by those that now have more fuel for their fire... but part of me understands where they are coming from.  It is news such as this that sends me into a state of confusi...

Realignment Required!

" Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult.  On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing (1 Peter 3:9 - NIV)." What is your response when people treat you wrong?  It is in our nature to defend ourselves and strike back... to repay evil with evil or insult with insult.  We just cannot let someone else "win"!  We cannot let them have the last laugh.  There is another way that we typically respond and that is to do nothing.  This response certainly does not stir up unnecessary trouble, although it certainly can lead to more, but it also does nothing to demonstrate a genuine love for our "enemy".  Jesus tells us to love our neighbor, and just in case we want to define neighbor as those we get along with, He gets more specific by telling us to love our enemy (Matthew 5:43-44).  We are called by our Savior and Lord to love even our enemy!  That is a radical calling! ...

What Credibility Does a Man Have?

I have to be honest with you... I have been preaching through the book of 1 Peter for some time and this week I am tackling Peter's message to wives to function within the Greco-Roman system of Household Codes in a way that brings the favor of God and may lead to the salvation of their husband. Anytime I have to teach a passage specifically geared to women, I feel a bit awkward. What qualifies me to have a voice in their life? Sure, I am their pastor, but when I try to put myself in a woman's shoes... I find that my feet do not fit. Peter encourages wives to submit themselves to their husbands within the system of Household Codes. This could not have been easy for Peter to do as a man. Does he know what it is like to be taken advantage of by a spouse that is not pulling their weight? Does he know what it is like for his dignity to be in question every single day of his life? Certainly, the view of women within Greco-Roman Household Codes was not very favorable. They w...

Living In the Fear of God

I have been preaching through 1 Peter over the last several months and there has been a consistent theme that just keeps emerging... as a Christ-follower we are to live out our lives in the reverent fear of God.  What does that even mean?  Who wants to constantly live their life in fear all the time?  Is this where Peter is going with all of this talk?  The answer is no, mainly because we have a warped view of what it means to fear.  Fear is often thought of as an emotional state that is many times debilitating.  This is not meant by the use of fear in 1 Peter.  Let me give you an example of healthy fear from the natural world.  Fear can be a friend... it raises our  awareness , much like a deer who senses the present of danger.  The ears are more attentive and the eyes are focused.  The deer is trying to identify the source of their "fear" and when they discover it, they flee from it.  Living in the fear of God means that we a...

Trying Not to Mess Up My Kids!

I have not blogged in quite some time.  I have been writing paper after paper over the past few years as I have been working toward a Masters in Divinity.  I will be honest... it feels a bit freeing just to write without the boundaries of being totally objective without interjecting personal insight.  So what is on my mind???  Probably too much to process all at once, but I want to write about being a father. Though I was an expert on parenting before I had kids (sarcasm inserted), I now have a 17 year old girl and a 15 year old boy, and I seem to be at a loss at times.  My kids are far from being problem children!  As a matter of fact, it is an absolute blessing to be their dad, but am I preparing them to launch into a world that will challenge their faith at every turn?  I am excited about the challenge this next year presents, yet I am scared at the same time.  My daughter will be a senior, so what that means is that time is getting short. ...