Hebrews - Exploring the Object and Depth of Our Faith!

I spent some time this morning reading the first seven chapters of the book of Hebrews to get a general idea of what the author was saying and will finish it up later. I will be diving in to this book passage by passage over the next several months and my plan is to blog my thoughts. Hebrews is a fascinating book written to a Jewish audience to assure them that Jesus is the Son of God and that God desires true belief that results in obedience. As these truths are uncovered, I am fully expecting God to reveal Himself in a richer manner to me.

"See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God."
Hebrews 3:12

"Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess."
Hebrews 4:14

God is challenging my belief and yours through this book... Do we really believe God? Do we really believe that Jesus is the Son of God and author of salvation? Or are we quick to get caught up in sin's deceitfulness causing our hearts to turn away from the living God? As we journey through Hebrews together... and that is my desire that you would journey with me... I pray that God would challenge the depths of our faith with the purpose of shoring it up. The journey will begin tomorrow!


David said…
I think Priscilla and Aquila might of wrote it because of there encounter with Paul, and the location. My other thought is that authorship was omitted due to fear of being killed. Wasn't it sort of like writing to the Jews and saying, we are sorry, our faith says the resurrection is superior to your old law. Though they didn't say sorry like God, maybe, that's why authorship remains unclear. What is more amazing to me than not knowing the author is simply "proving faith".
David said…
Looking forward to the study. Spur me on :) I'll we all follow this faithful friend.

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