Freedom While Living in the Box

For the last month, I have been thinking about and teaching about living within God's will. God's will provides boundaries for us to live and thrive within. Anytime you read God's Word and you see a command that applies to you, it is one of many boundaries that form God's will. Here is the kicker...I have been teaching that there is freedom when you live within the boundaries of God will. Conversely, if you live outside those boundaries you actually find bondage! At first glance you might think the opposite is true. You might say that living within a box (God's will) is bondage, but lets take a deeper look at it. What is the purpose of God's will? Is it to suffocate your life just so God can sit on His throne and watch you suffer? Some might think so, but no! Actually, the opposite is true. The designer of life (God) knows just how life is to be lived to its fullest from an eternal perspective. His will helps you to find the most joy and satisfaction out of this life because you begin living life as it was intended from an eternal perspective! Lets take a look at one of many specific examples... Is drinking alcohol sin? No, but being drunk is, therefore, drunkenness is a boundary that should not be crossed. So what happens when you cross that boundary? Do you not find bondage? Do you not find an addiction to a substance that ruins many peoples life, because you do and say things you would not normally do and say? Is this not bondage? There is freedom within the boundary of God's will relative to alcohol. Consume but be self-controlled... Many people enjoy a glass of wine with their meal or a bottle of beer every once in a while. That is within God's will. I will also say that there is wisdom to be exercised within God's will as well. We could take all kinds of issues like this and show how living outside God's will is actually bondage, but that would take many words. The other day, Trish (my wife) came to me and showed me a passage in Psalm 119 that she ran across that affirmed this principle, and I thought I would share.

"May Your unfailing love come to me, O Lord, Your salvation according to Your promise; then I will answer the one who taunts me, for I trust in Your Word.
Do not snatch the Word of Truth from my mouth, for I have put my hope in Your laws.
I will always obey Your law, for ever and ever.
I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out Your precepts.
I will speak of Your statutes before Kings and will not be put to shame, for I delight in Your commands because I love them.
I lift up my hands to Your commands, which I love, and I meditate on Your decreed."
Psalm 119:41-48

I would encourage you to think about God's commands and take an honest look at whether God is trying to suffocate you or give you freedom. Personally, I find His commands (His will) to be not just freeing, but a delight when I obey. I was going to blog about obedience and our propensity to rebel, but I thought this foundation needed to be laid first. Tomorrow I will explore that idea, but for today consider God's commands and evaluate them for yourself.


Anonymous said…
thanks i needed this so much!
DaveH said…
Amen! Hey John, I also know what it's like to have a God given wife. It's awesome.

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