What Is a Sabbatical and Why Is It Helpful?
If you are reading this and attend the church that I pastor, then you are likely aware that I start a three month sabbatical next week. When the elders brought up the subject and our chairman asked if I would be interested in a sabbatical, I was very humbled and relieved. The idea of a sabbatical is a new concept for First Baptist Church and can be meet with a variety of reactions. I know some have expressed to me that they are glad I will get some time to rest, while others don't know what to think about it. Trust me, it is not lost on me that most people who work full time do not get this kind of extended time away from their work. However, I wanted to communicate why a sabbatical for pastors is a healthy practice for any church. Pastors are always on the clock: This is not a complaint, it's just a reality, especially in today's world of technology. I will receive phone calls, text messages, emails, and messages on social me...