Heartbreak, Heartache, and HeartHope
The past four months have been a tough time for our church, more so than any other time I can remember. Our people have experienced great loss and heartache during that stretch of time, which includes at least 6 of our own FBC people who have gone on to be with the Lord. I find my own heart aching in a way I have never experienced. Loss is never an easy thing, but so many in such a short period of time seems a bit overwhelming. It is in these times that our go to question is "WHY?" We know that God is sovereign and good, yet His purposes for allowing such heartbreaking things is beyond our wisdom and capacity to fully comprehend. We are left to give it over to God in trust. I was lamenting close to midnight last Sunday on my way home from the hospital knowing that it was only a matter of hours before one of our brothers in Christ would leave his earthly tent to occupy his heavenly dwelling. I called Trish on my way home to let her kn...