Know Your Purpose
There is a lot of conversation around the question, "What is my purpose?" As people, most of us like to know the WHY behind our life. Rick Warren wrote a best selling book called, "The Purpose Driven Life." You may be familiar with it. It became so popular because people want to know that their life counts. As a believer in Jesus, I have settled that question long ago. My purpose was spelled out for me in Ephesians 1 (and many other passages in the Scriptures). God created me to live for the praise of His glory. He chose me in Him to be holy and blameless in His sight and predestined me to be adopted as His child to the praise of His glorious grace. Three times in one sentence the Apostle Paul reminds believers what their purpose is... that you and I might be for the praise of His glory. Perhaps none more clear than verses 11 and 12... 11 In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to t...