Women in Ministry
This Sunday I will be preaching from Romans 16. In this chapter, Paul is commending a lady name Phoebe to the church and then proceeds to send greetings to many others. Paul writes that Phoebe is a servant (deaconess) of the church in Cenchreae, which is a small city right next to Corinth. This mention of her brings up an interesting topic and that is the role of women in ministry. I know this is a very sensitive topic and my aim is to wrestle with the Scriptures relative to this issue. There are those who believe that women should not hold any leadership position in a local church and there are those who believe that women have no restrictions at all relative to leadership in the church. Most people that I have had conversations with in ministry circles fit somewhere between those two views. My goal is to deal honestly with the Scriptures relative to this topic without writing a book. First of all, I believe the mention of Pho...