
Showing posts from May, 2014

Living In the Fear of God

I have been preaching through 1 Peter over the last several months and there has been a consistent theme that just keeps emerging... as a Christ-follower we are to live out our lives in the reverent fear of God.  What does that even mean?  Who wants to constantly live their life in fear all the time?  Is this where Peter is going with all of this talk?  The answer is no, mainly because we have a warped view of what it means to fear.  Fear is often thought of as an emotional state that is many times debilitating.  This is not meant by the use of fear in 1 Peter.  Let me give you an example of healthy fear from the natural world.  Fear can be a friend... it raises our  awareness , much like a deer who senses the present of danger.  The ears are more attentive and the eyes are focused.  The deer is trying to identify the source of their "fear" and when they discover it, they flee from it.  Living in the fear of God means that we a...

Trying Not to Mess Up My Kids!

I have not blogged in quite some time.  I have been writing paper after paper over the past few years as I have been working toward a Masters in Divinity.  I will be honest... it feels a bit freeing just to write without the boundaries of being totally objective without interjecting personal insight.  So what is on my mind???  Probably too much to process all at once, but I want to write about being a father. Though I was an expert on parenting before I had kids (sarcasm inserted), I now have a 17 year old girl and a 15 year old boy, and I seem to be at a loss at times.  My kids are far from being problem children!  As a matter of fact, it is an absolute blessing to be their dad, but am I preparing them to launch into a world that will challenge their faith at every turn?  I am excited about the challenge this next year presents, yet I am scared at the same time.  My daughter will be a senior, so what that means is that time is getting short. ...